The Post graduate courses of both the Master of Theology (M.Th.) and Doctor of Theology (D.Th) are offered under the North India Institute of Post-Graduate Theological Studies (NIIPGTS), jointly sponsored by Serampore College and Bishop’s College. It started functioning from June 1980. The preamble of its constitution worked out by the joint sub-committee of both the colleges on 3rd May 1979 states:
With a view to avoid duplicating the work in post-graduate teaching and in order to offer jointly what the two colleges cannot effectively offer individually, Serampore College and Bishop’s College propose to set up a joint faculty consisting of competent staff drawn from both colleges. Such an institute would meet a pressing need for a Centre of advanced theological study and research in North India. The two colleges would share their resources of personnel and library for advanced theological education.
Management: The management of the Institute acts under the authority of the Bishop’s College Society and the Council of Serampore College. A member of the faculty of either college appointed for a period of three years acts as the Registrar of NIIPGTS. The Institute is administered by a Management Committee consisting of the Principals of the Colleges, the Registrar, the Dean of Doctoral Programme, as well as all the professors of the Institute. The academic programme in each branch of study offered by the Institute is administered by a departmental committee consisting of all the professors of the department and the NIIPGTS Registrar.
From among the faculty of Serampore College and Bishop’s College a Registrar is appointed for a period of three years, who runs the entire administration of the institute and acts as the Executive of the body.
Following are the Registrars of NIIPGTS:
- Rev. Dr. W. S. Rhodes
- Rev. Dr. D. V. Singh
- Rev. S. D. C. Alagodi
- Rev. Dr. D. A. K. Mondal
- Rev. Dr. K. David
- Rev. Dr. A. Behera
- Rev. Dr. D. K. Sahu
- Rev. Dr. T. Hembrom
- Rev. Dr. Siga Arles
- Rev. Dr. V. J. John
- Rev. Dr. Ivy Singh
- Dr. Samuel Longkumer
- Rev. Dr. Pratap Chandra Gine
- Dr. Samuel Longkumer
- Rev. Dr. Limatula Longkumer
- Dr. Aswathy John
- Dr. T. Chuba Jamir
- Rev. Dr. Kailash Kumar Chatry (incumbent)